Monday, May 7, 2012

Meet the New Blog Title, Same as the old blog title (not really)

Well hey new blog title and shit, how are you doing?  So this blog has gone on unused for so long.  I figured at 4 am that I should revamp it and take it in a different direction.  So instead of being just about my boring uneventful life, I'll make it about video games and stuff, and also my boring uneventful life.  It will likely contain spelling errors and grammatical defects.  Especially if I post drunk or late at night.

Also while I will be *trying* to keep this blog up to date. (I will probably fail at it again) I will be starting school this month, so I have no idea what that has to do with the blog.  I'll be posting screens of whatever game I'm playing, maybe I'll put a little bit of :words: into it.  Whatever.

Right now I've been playing EVE Online.  A soul sucking, time sink.  It's fun, and the guys I play with are baller.  But with school coming up I've been taking a break and playing some more laid back games, like OpenTTD and Supreme Commander.  It's kind of fun, but whatever.

I've been rambling these last few paragraphs, cause it's really late, and I can't sleep despite my efforts.  I'll blame Skerbert, he's being a huge spazz and flipping out everywhere.  He was laying next to my leg earlier while I was trying to go to sleep and he just flipped his shit and tried to maul my leg through the blanket.  It didn't work, but what a freakin douchecat.

I'll take pics of him later.  Now to figure out a good layout for this silly thing, and/or go back to bed.  Whichever I feel like doing first.