Friday, July 6, 2012

Some bullshit about trans erasure and shit

I've beeeeen drinking tonight, so this post will ber pretty fucked up, but i went to an LGBT bookstore today in atalanta called BRushstroeks or something.  Goddamn, I have never quite felt so fucking invisible as a atransperson and a bisexual person as I did while checking that fucking place out.  Abso-fucking-luteley no bi or trans stuff *at all*.  Such goddamned bullshit.

The rest o the LG community pretty much just seems to erase the other half of the community from existence, treating us like dirt or worse because we aren't like them or some shit, I guess.

People don't know what it eels like to have the rest off the community basically tell you that you are complete shit and undeserving of help through their own inactions.

So fuck those faggots and fuck those dykes.  Goddamn I''m fucking angry.  Am I not a goddamn person too?  Aren't I deserving of the same rights and proveleges as everyone else.

Man, fuck this country.  Fuck everything, ever.

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